Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Don’t Whisper … Communicate

Don’t Whisper … Communicate
By James Dodwell – Hammers of Hope
Good Morning,

I really like a quote I saw recently in a shop along River Street in Savannah, it said, “Always be yourself, and if you can’t be yourself, be Superman, then always be Superman.” You can substitute Superman with Batman, or Wonder Woman, or, Da’ man, or Da’ woman, whatever you want, it’s just that simple. Yes, simple to change the name tag more complicated to change the person within. After all, there is only one Superman and one Wonder Woman neither of us is him or her and as the other monikers’ go; they may fit but we may fall short on occasions so the fit wouldn’t be perfect. But life doesn’t have to be perfect to be great, does it, absolutely not; why? We don’t have to pretend to be anyone but ourselves, because our lives are made whole through His unconditional love, forgiveness and salvation.

I am reminded of a story about a mother’s attempt to incorporate change in her young son… A little boy walks into the living room where his parents are entertaining a large gathering of their friends and loudly announces, "Mommy, I have to poop!" The mother takes the boy to the bathroom and says, "Now, Billy, the next time you have to use the bathroom, say, 'Mommy, I have to whisper.'" "Okay," says the boy. That night little Billy wakes up at 3:00 AM and goes to his parents' bedroom where they are sound asleep. He goes up to his mother and says, "Mommy, I have to whisper." The mother drowsily replies, "I'm too tired now. Go whisper in Daddy's ear.”

Sometimes the change we expect doesn’t produce the intended results we had planned. It has been said that 60 percent of all management problems result from faulty communication. A leader with a message doesn’t matter if the leader doesn’t communicate clearly and motivate others. First and foremost a leader has to think of self, less. They have to know what they stand for and their walk must communicate this clearly to others. A leader speaks words of revelation by communicating insights others lack. They speak words of inspiration to inspire others to step out and overcome their fears.

They speak words of exhortation to encourage people to act and follow through on the big picture. They speak words of affirmation to render support and publically endorse others. They speak words of information with good content, edifying and teaching others. They speak words of declaration by providing clear direction to the people and hope for their future. So how does a leader do this? They follow the simple rules of communication.

First a leader must simplify his or her message. They should speak the truth, clear and simple. No one should wonder what the leader means. A leader must see the person. He or she must empathize with others.  Know your audience, their likes, their dislikes, their wants and needs. A leader must show the truth. He or she must demonstrate credibility and passion with their life. A leader must live what they say.

Last but not least, a leader must seek the response from others. He or she must always speak with purpose and intent. When they finish urge others to seek wisdom from God before seeking the wisdom of the world. The difference in a Godly leader and a leader following their own agenda is that a Godly leader can stand before others, casting vision, saying a few words about this and that, tossing around ideas, make a few sounds and we want to, really want to get up and follow him or her. It is quite the opposite with a leader lost in the world. In Proverbs 18:21 is defined the power of communication, it tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” So much truth communicated in so few words. I encourage each of us today and everyday when we communicate with others, first be yourself, not Superman or Wonder woman, make sure your life walk is communicating the message you want to share, make it clear and concise, and be the truth and the change you want to see in the world. It will make a difference and add value to all those around us.   1 Samuel 12:24  

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